What is a Pre Power 

What is a Pre Power Co-op?

Pre Power is many things, brought together into a single package.

The [Pre Power Cooperative System [done]] is designed around local communities, with the intent of building local resilience in the community energy sector.

.Our cooperative design means that our funding comes from the local community, and our profits go back to the local community. In the process, we cut out the expenses of middlemen and financiers.

At its heart, Pre Power Coop is a [Funding coop [done]].

It is also a [renewable energy producer], a [community builder], a [Platform Co-op], a [participatory budgeting scheme], and provides a [realistic pathway] away from the looming climate disasters we face, and the systemic causes which underlie these crises.

Send a request for more information to [email protected]


Get Involved today

When you join Pre Power One you become a member of a local co-operative that is owned and operated by people that live local like you.

Before you join, your options for buying electricity from Pre Power will be explained and a membership will be created to match your needs.

Not in the ACT region? Submit your email address above and we can talk about options for Pre Power in your area.